Seeking qualified and experienced bidder(s) for assistance with the development of a long range Financial Planning Model Friendship PCS is seeking a vendor to assist with the development of a long range Financial Planning Model. Scope of services required: Long Range Financial Planning Model Build a long-range financial projection model, with dynamic scenario capabilities; this will include: Clear and adjustable inputs for financial drivers, such as enrollment, revenue assumptions, program expenses, administrative expenses, and facility costs. Minimum viable enrollment analysis; sustainability requirements for strong program Dynamic functionality to test out changes to variables and scenarios. Staffing ratio analyses Greenlighting analyses for new school acquisitions and new school starts. Dashboard to inform financial sustainability, operational metrics, risks, and opportunities. Required philanthropic need. Vet key assumptions for revenues, expenses, facility scenarios and growth plans. This will include: Facility modules for lease and permanent acquisition scenarios, funding sources, long-term facility payments, and facility affordability. Enrollment and school start-up details by grade-level and sections Capacity of seats at existing schools and strategic opportunities for growth and change Revenue drivers for recurring and non-recurring funding for Federal, State, and Local sources Expense details for personnel and non-personnel cost drivers Simplified staffing for instructional and non-institutional positions Cash flow assumptions as necessary. Additional components and break-out calculations as necessary