David Lawery has been in the field of education for more than 13 years. He is a graduate of Florida A&M University and University of Maryland, College Park, earning a bachelor’s degree in English education and a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. His experience includes teaching English at Friendship Blow Pierce Junior Academy and Wellington Community High School in Wellington, Fla. For four years, as an instructional specialist at Friendship Woodridge Elementary and Junior Academy and Blow Pierce Elementary and Junior Academy, Mr. Lawery was instrumental in advancing their literacy programs. In addition, he has served as International Baccalaureate coordinator at Friendship Woodridge. Mr. Lawery has also served as academy director at Friendship Woodridge Junior Academy. Mr. Lawery became principal of Friendship Southeast Elementary Academy in 2015, a role that helps him further his goal of “ensuring that every scholar is provided the highest quality of education possible in a safe and supportive learning environment.” Return to the Friendship Southeast page >>